What he said
Yes, I'm part of the "Sekret Projekt" John Scalzi just revealed. It's going to blow your mind
Way over at the Whatever, John has made an announcement about a really fun project he dragged me into a couple months back. It's true: John, and Elizabeth Bear, and Jay Lake, and Tobias Buckell and I have been working together for several months to present you with a new near-future vision, one that's decidedly urban but calls into question what a city really is... and what the boundaries of sovereignty are in a future where some of the world's cities will have greater populations than the countries they are in.
So, if the cyberpunks were all about corporate control, sticky technologies and software, we're all about sustainable communities, parallel economies and remapping reality with your GPS and your sleeping bag. It's the city alive, the city as beast and brother and increasingly, self-aware actor in the global political arena.
Or, as Shriekback sang in their song "Hymn to Local Gods" (a reference sure to date me as one of the old guys):
Up in the spires, under the flyovers
Still you can see, with the right eyes,
The shining presence of the local gods
Stand in the silence you can hear them whisper
Hearing their laughter echo in the steel and stone
So leave a fire in the window
Pour the wine under the underpass
Let's all go down to the river
We'll go swimming with the local gods...