SciBarCamp is full up
Here's a brief un-program for the event
Next weekend's first SciBarCamp is now full, with well over 100 confirmed attendees. The event's happening at Hart House, which is a magnificent location in the heart of Toronto (the University of Toronto takes up a square mile of the downtown core).
Fear not if you were hoping to come but were unable. We want this event to be the first of a regular series. Just make sure you follow the news at the SciBarCamp website, and sign up early!
SciBarCamp's deliberately vague schedule
The program for SciBarCamp will be decided in a collaborative way
involving all participants on the opening night (Friday night). This
is when all the talks and discussions will be scheduled.
start and finish times for each day have been decided, and are set out
below. The opening event on Friday night will be integral to the whole
weekend, so please plan to attend on this night as well as on the rest
of the weekend.
Texas Sci Fi!
Keep writing.